Armond Scavo Photography

Primeval Light

Exploring The Possibilities Of Exposure Bracketing #3

The third photograph exploring the possibilities of bracketing series is titled Primeval Light. This sunrise was taken on a bright early morning from the beach in Beach Haven N.J. I picked my location and set up well before sunrise.

Beach Haven mornings sometimes have a haze over the ocean at about a 45-degree angle. Luckily it was one of those mornings. I waited until the sun just broke through the haze to start photographing. I made 36 exposures, which was the first time I used such an extreme range of bracketing. This was truly an experiment with no expectations or knowledge of what the results would be. When I saw the results I was surprised and excited by the unanticipated results. Primeval Light is one of the most intriguing and puzzling of my works, and for me, one of the most successful results of my exploration into exposure bracketing.

To purchase Primeval Light  go to:

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